Putting my 2012 Physique VS my 2013 Physique into Context

Putting my 2012 Physique VS my 2013 Physique into Context

After posting the picture below on my Instagram/Facebook to provoke thought and potentially make competitors or really anybody who wants to get in shape start thinking outside of the norms of the standard fitness advice we’re so used to, it seems that unfortunately, it had the…

10 Aesthetic Naturals That Use IIFYM or Flexible Dieting

10 Aesthetic Naturals That Use IIFYM or Flexible Dieting

Featured image credit : Brandon Wells Photography [content_band style=”color: #333;” bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ border=”all” inner_container=”true”] [custom_headline style=”margin-top: 0;” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]Important Note[/custom_headline] This topic seems to be quite polarising and I’ve had to block many comments posted that I wouldn’t really be proud of hosting on my blog. Your opinion…