Sponsored Athletes

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  1. Thanks for reading my post about the “Sponsored Athlete”! What do you think of the whole “Sponsored Athlete/Brand Ambassador” situation in the fitness industry? Were you aware of how it worked?

  2. Thank you, truly. This is the best article I have ever read and you’ve explained something that no one ever wants to bring up. Everyone is trying to force create products and shove it down consumer’s throats while a product should be created based off of your audience’s request… Dude, put social share buttons on this article, I’d share it everywhere!

    1. Hey Jason,

      Thanks for the comment. Glad my post resonated with you and that I’m not the only one that thinks this!

      Thanks also for the heads up about the social share buttons. I thought they were active, but must have been switched off when I changed the site’s design. They’re back now.

  3. Good points. New to me. Had not thought about what a sponsored athlete really means. Thanks for writing it.

  4. Adrian Fernandez says:

    Hello Altu, your post was very informative and it changed my plans of becoming a sponsored athlete and instead want to become a personal trainer. I have the knowledge but not the certification, can you tell me the name of the 3 day course you took? Thank you.

    1. Glad you found it informative.
      I wouldn’t recommend a 3-day course ideally, even though I understand you want to start quickly. It was over 10 years ago, so I’m not sure if they still do it but I remember the company was called ActiveIQ. Search for them in Google – they’re UK based. The first course I did was 5 weeks of full-time study and that helped a lot more. The tutors were constantly there and there was a lot of practical parts, which is important for a trainer. Either way, make sure you constantly continue your education in the field. Good luck with it!

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